Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

I'm excited to announce that I am now the photographer for Frog Hollow Farm in Brentwood!

Today I visited the farm for the first time just to look around and meet everyone. I did get to click a few pictures. Even though it's winter, I still think the farm is beautiful!

I am not going to post all of the picture I took today. Just some of my favs!

From February
*click to enlarge*

From February

From February

These cherry tartlettes are absolutely amazing and highly recommended. You're able to buy them online!

From February

Don't forget to check out their website! Most of the pictures in the slideshow on the front page are mine.


  1. Don't hold out on us, link us up to their website. Their food looks amazing!

  2. I don't know how to. Scott was going to do it but he is LAGGING! haha
