Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010

Waking up to snow is pretty awesome. Even if I'm not much of a snow person, I love waking up to it a few times a year! :) As long as it's not in San Francisco!

This was my view waking up this morning...
**click pictures to enlarge**

We got up, ate breakfast and hit Northstar bright and early!

Most of us went snowboarding. There were a few that stayed back for various reasons. But, here is the snowboarding group.

Note: These pictures (except for the first one) were taken with my little camera, and some were taken by my friend Katie. As much as I wanted to bring my big camera with me, I knew it would have been a bad, bad idea!

Anyway, it snowed the whole entire day! We had tons of fresh powder to board in and we loved every second of it!

Here we are at the top of the mountain...still snowing!

And more boarding and more snowing...

Nice warm, dry me...

Frozen me! Even my braids were frozen. But, I still have a smile on my face and loving it!

What a perfect way to end the day!


  1. Brrrrr, it looks cold. Looks like you all had a good time though.

  2. Soooo sad I didn't get to come this round - it looked like so much fun! Next time!! :)
