Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Tonight I took a picture of my puppy, Hula. I thought it was fitting since I am having Maui withdrawls.

Hula is one of the prettiest dogs in the whole, wide world and I love her to death! The whole reason she reminds me so much of Maui (besides the obvious, her name), is because I adopted Hula from the Maui Humane Society five years ago when I was on vacation.

My mom and I stopped by the Humane Society while waiting for my sister's flight to land. We had no intentions of getting an animal! We were walking through, visiting with all the kitties and puppies and right when we were about to leave, I come across this darling little face!
**click the pictures to enlarge**

I know you understand now why I couldn't just walk past and leave her...right? :) It was love at first sight and I knew the second I saw her that she was MY puppy!

She is half lab, half beagle, for those wondering.

Check out those puppy dog eyes!

She is the best dog ever! At least one of the best, I have two dogs!

Love ya, Hula girl!

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