Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010

I am starting to feel better. Yay!

Today the sun was out and I was able to open the patio door and let in some nice, fresh air. I also went out to lunch with my grandpa! I was also lucky enough to be able to rest some more this afternoon.

To make sure I'm getting plenty of Vitamin C, I ate a few of these deliciously sweet Satsuma mandarins! Yummmm! (I was also having fun playing around with my old lens :)

Other than my cough, I am feeling pretty good! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by staying in tonight, I will wake up tomorrow feeling as good as new!


  1. Glad you are starting to feel better. Just in time for the weekend :)

  2. I know! I hate being sick over the weekend.
