Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10, 2010

Right when I thought the beach couldn't get any better. I woke up and looked out the window and saw even bigger and better waves and an even more beautiful view! Partly because there was more sun instead of fog this time. Heaven once again!

Oh, and Happy 30th Birthday Dustin! Ya old man, you!

Back to the beach and my pictures... :)

I will just post instead of talking about them because really, words can't describe how beautiful it was out there today!

Check out the side of these waves!
From January

A cute little mailbox which belong to a cute littler (actually a very, very big) house right across the street from the beach. And, look, there's me. My shadow, that is...
From January

I took a similar picture yesterday and posted it. What a difference the sun makes!
From January

Sand dunes. Small ones, but still!
From January

Me and Jamie! We had some sisterly bonding time since we woke up before everyone and decided to walk for almost two hours along the beach!
From January

From January

This is probably one of my favorite beach pictures I've ever taken! (You should enlarge this one)
From January

So beautiful!
From January

And of course, some shells.
From January
From January

From January

When Scott and I were leaving we decided to cruise down Cannery Row.
From January

I was sad to leave Carmel. It was a great weekend and I love the pictures I was able to take at the beach both days!