Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010


My grandpa has always been into photography and video cameras. In fact, I'm not sure when the first time I actually saw his face was. He always had some kind of camera up to his eye! He is one of the main reasons I became so interested in photography. Thanks gramps!

One day when I was visiting with him be brought out this camera. He said he had found it while cleaning his garage and saved it for me. What a guy! He totally deserves the Best Grandpa of the Year award! He claims it still works and I intend on finding out if it really does sooner than later!

One of my personal photography goals for 2010 is to shoot film again. I haven't even picked up a film camera in at least five years. That's insane! That's sad, really. I was the one who swore she would never switch to digital. Look at me now! I am 110% digital and I have never looked back.

Still, I miss film and I hope to get back into it. I will probably never use it on a job but I would love to start some personal projects that are photographed with film.

Here's my picture of the day. Hopefully sometime this year you will see a picture of a day that came from this camera!

From January