Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

I'm not a very good cook. Actually, I haven't really tried to cook for myself very much. I know how to make tacos, spaghetti, and toast, but anyone can make themselves toast!

Well, this year is my year to learn how to cook! I'm not looking to become Julia Child, but I would like to do some research and find recipes that are 1)healthy, 2)cost effective, 3)makes plenty of leftovers, and 4)uh, yummy, of course!

The fondue was a good place to start, well, kinda. It wasn't too healthy even if I did cut up some veggies and apples to go with it. You know I was eating way more of the bread than anything else! Cost effective? Not so much. Actually pretty expensive. Leftovers? I so wish! Sadly, no leftovers. Yummy? YES! It was delicious! Okay, one out of four...

This was my second attempt at cooking (of the year, that is) and I decided to make lasagna! I had been craving lasagna for some time but I never knew how to make it. I obviously didn't know how easy it was or else I would have started a long time ago.

I started searching the internet for what looked like an easy, healthy, tasty lasagna. I came across the recipe on the Good Morning America website. "Healthy Spinach Lasagna". Yes, please! I wrote down what I needed and off to the store I went. Or wait, maybe Scott was the one who went to the store? Yes, I believe he was. Love ya!

Anyhow, I prepared the lasagna and while it was in the oven smelling mighty good, Scott and I decided we wanted to play Scrabble. I love Scrabble! I am not very good at it...yet. All the same, I still enjoy playing it with Scott instead of watching TV at night.

So, here are my pictures for the day. My new favorite lasagna recipe and the start of a fun Scrabble game with my boyfriend.

I was winning at this point...
From January
**click on the pictures to enlarge**

From January

From January


  1. This blog is a brilliant idea! I must point out, however, that you are mistaken in the above blog. You are a FABULOUS COOK you little liar!! :)
